The FAEMSMD Online Community
Hosted on Mobilize
FAEMSMD has launched a new, members-only community for members to share resources, participate in discussions, and communicate privately with one another. Every new member will be onboarded after their membership application has been approved.
Getting Started FAQ
How do I change my email notifications?
By default, all members will receive instant notifications when anyone posts or comments in the group. Members can personalize their own Email Settings to receive less emails by:
Changing your Individual Group Preferences from “Instant” to “Daily Digest”
Daily Digest is a great and easy way to keep up with all recent activity within the FAEMSMD community. Every morning (following activity in the group), members will receive an email containing 1-5 posts in chronological order from the previous day.
Opting in or out to the following in General Preferences:
- Comments on posts you’re following
- Comments on posts you’ve created
- Private replies to posts you’ve created
- New chat messages
Turning off all email notifications (unsubscribing): if you choose this option (which we do not recommend), you can still access all content by logging into the platform; it does not mean you’ve unsubscribed from the group entirely.
Tip: Switching to Daily Digest and opting into all General Preferences is a great way to prioritize the conversations you’re a part of while receiving daily updates of all other activity within the platform.
What’s a discussion vs. a conversation?
Discussions are public and take place in the Community Lounge Feed. Conversations/chats are private to you and whoever you’re communicating with, whether 1:1 or in a group chat.
Remember: Discussions are like Facebook posts in a newsfeed; conversations/chats are like text messages
Where can I find exclusive resources?
The Resources tab hosts documents and important links. Additionally, any file or image attached to a discussion post will show up in the Group Attachments folder.
Who do I contact if I have questions or feedback?
Please refer to the Mobilize Members Guide for technical help using the platform. If you have overall feedback and suggestions for improvement, please contact FAEMSMD staff liaison, Melissa Keahey.